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Girls Virginity For Auction

Noelle (not completed) [ ] In May 2011, it was reported that a 21-year-old Belgian student named 'Noelle' had auctioned off her virginity via an Amsterdam-based escort website for 50,000 euros. Previously it had been reported that she had received a bid of £1 million. In any event, it turned out the 50,000 euro bid from 'a wealthy Italian businessman' was actually Italian actor Paolo Calabresi (who had debunked the Fico auction above). Calabresi met her while wearing a wire to determine if the auction was a scam.

Model placed her virginity for bidding on the controversial auction website, Cinderella Escorts. Apparently, many were interested to buy her for sex where an Abu Dhabi-based businessman won her virginity for 2.5 million euros (over $2.9 M).

Virginity For Auction Websites

Virginity auctions are nothing new. Every few years or so a new one seems to pop up in the mainstream media but few, if any, ever come to fruition. The most recent high profile example is that of.

Sex has always been a significant part of our society since time immemorial. While it is still very present today, many have tried to incorporate sex in various ways. Some do it for fun, while others simply do it for the sake of, well, money. If you have heard the name Cinderella Escorts, then you are probably aware of their works.

Sexual attitudes women born 1952. But it is interesting that she had the wherewithal and social conscience to know that this would make a splash — at the age of 16, she already recognized the impossible double-standard women are forced to conform to. This show has done a remarkably good job at portraying the in relationships, so it's not surprising that they're delving into the complexities of how one teenager comes to terms with her virginity.